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Re: 6.000 times the limit - Context and no diversion
  Views: 2,625
Published: 17 y
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Re: 6.000 times the limit - Context and no diversion

yes Tom, I understand completely.
I think your experiments are moot, because you've already started with a set value, in this case 28%. No matter how much you dilute it, or how much citric you add, or how long you let it sit, or how much water you add, your results are totally based on one thing, Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
If you truly wanted to 'experiment', why dont you pick up some sodium chlorite, and start from scratch. Instead of taking a known value like 28%, why dont you come up with your OWN values.
That was what I was talking about and the difference between you and Bruce. Bruce experiments with chlorine dioxide, YOU experiment with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Your experiments are biased. Somehow that just doesnt seem very scientific.
Oh, and by the way, I dont consider Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to be a 'fancy name', I consider it to be 'slick advertising'


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