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Re: ??Silver Fox Answers??
SilverFox Views: 2,750
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,184,728

Re: ??Silver Fox Answers??

Hello Shortangle,

My initial exposure to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement was a result of a family member asking me to look into it after experiencing several benefits from using it.

I have also taken it and experienced benefits from doing so. In addition, I have seen improvements in other people and animals that have taken it.

So, to answer your question, I am of the opinion that it may work because I have first hand experience with it working. Now I am trying to figure out how and why it works, what limitations are involved in using it, and am trying to address any safety concerns with using it.

Testing, experimentation, and first hand experiences don't qualify as published peer reviewed scientific evidence. Hence, I use qualifiers.



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