Re: Skin rash after castor oil pack
Hi MadArt...
It is possible in my opinion. You may want to do hot bath /cold shower to help detox?
Yes, I think that may help too... I was thinking a sitz bath.
Do you have any idea what causes the back pain? No. I thought for a while that it might be adrenal pain as my cortisol has tested low in the past but now that I'm taking better care of myself (less stress, dropping bad habits) I don't think so. My energy level is good even though I'm in pain.
How long have you had it? about 30 years
Is it arthritis or stress? No, I don't think so.
New excercise routine, heavy lifting perhaps? Nope.
New or very old mattress? Nope.
Is it relieved at any point during the day? continuous? Continuous... less so in the morning. Definitely worse after physical exertion.
What else have you tried so far to relieve it? Pain killers (I lived on them for a while, but no longer), chiropractic (works for about 2 hours), massage (works for about a day), yoga (works while I'm doing yoga), fasting (very effective as long as there is nothing in my system). Soon as I go back to eating it returns. Flushing or cleansing aggravates it. I'm considering Traditional Chinese Medicine as a next step. And of course, more liver flushing.
Do you drink plenty of water? Yes.
Is it lower back or upper back pain? Mid-back both sides
Take EFA/Essential oils
Take 1 tsp. Cayenne pepper with fresh lemon juice and a pinch Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt.
Take ACV
I take all the same things with the exception of the salt. I'll try adding that. I can't really say that castor oil has made any difference for me. Maybe I just have to use it for several weeks before I can expect to see a change.
Thanks for your suggestions,