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Re: Creepy, crawly sensations
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Published: 19 y
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Re: Creepy, crawly sensations

Day 23 huh? I'm glad to hear that you are getting relief from the little rice things and the itchyness. Only one more week to go. I'm so sorry to hear that you are experiencing biting and stinging sensation on your hands, feet & lower legs. I, too, hope that it is not Morgellons Disease. The idea is pretty scary. Are you going to a M.D., Naturopath, or someone else to help you figure out these symptoms? Maybe these symptoms will also disappear like the other symptoms during the next week.

I'm on Day 12 now. I want to thank you for sharing your experiences. They are informative and let me know that there is light at the end of the tunnel! I know what you mean about the little rice things being in your ears, eyes, nose, etc. They do seem pretty yucky and gross. But, I guess they are as they say "better out than in"! :)

I hope you continue to improve and I will remember you in my prayers!


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