Re: Weight Gain After Water Fast? Please respond FONTY!!!
Hi ski bunny. If you follow the proper refeeding principles you should have no trouble with weight gain immediately following your fast. What happens after that depends on the lifestyle you plan to adopt when your fasting regime is complete. If you return to poisonous foods eaten too often then you risk similar problems to those you fasted to remove.
This is how breaking the fast works best for me:
The first food you break your fast with should be a single fruit or juice. No more than a glass of juice sipped and swished in the mouth and no more than a single orange/apple or similar sized piece of a larger fruit. Eat your food slowly and make sure it is completely masticated and mixed with your saliva before swallowing. You can eat again 2 hours later, the same amount and again a single fruit. If you start early in the day you will want to increase the amount of food you eat maybe during the day, and also increase the amount of time between 'meals' as you eat more. Continue this trend on the second day, eating fruit only still. Eat only if you are hungry, if you don't still feel hungry when the two hours is up, wait another hour- or two- before eating again.
Continue to eat fruit only on the second day. How quickly you build up your meals to only two or three fruit meals per day while refeeding depends on how long you were fasting for. The longer your fast the longer this process should take. Remember to skip a meal if you aren't hungry, but also make sure you eat enough to satisfy your hunger. This is equally important, because if you don't eat enough your body will be 'starving' for more and will retain food more readily than if you are eating according to your hunger. If you feed your body enough good quality nutritious food it will not hold weight it will seek a healthy weight and stay there.
After a few days or a week of eating fruit only- depending on how long my fast was- I start adding a salad meal to the day. All raw veggies only to start with. I will also start eating small amounts of raw nuts. More towards the end of the refeeding period I will add a single cooked or processed food to my salads. A nut loaf or some tofu or cooked beans for example. Other people also use steamed vegetables and plain soups. Just be careful of what you do add to your diet that is not raw, the closer to raw you can stay the better. Anything cooked is less nutritious and potentially will leave toxins in the body.
The main thing is to eat raw food according to your hunger. If you can do that you won't regain weight unless you have become under a healthy weight during your fast and do need to gain a bit back to restock your supplies so to speak.