Hi, AngelSunshine here. New to this site. I was reading your wonderful accomphishments and was wondering if you could give me some ideas. I'm ready to begin cleansing, and I was wondering which one I should start with. I'm 45, type 2 diabetic (HA1C 7.3)and cholesterol 210. They both went up these past 4 months due to the way I was eating/not eating. Doctor is giving me 3 months to get them back down. I have also lost from 235 to 194, but still want to get down to at least 150. At a stand still. Wanting to start flushing. Detox my body, and LOSE the weight. Seems like you had a good plan going there, would you share it with me? Where should I start? Which one first? second? and so on? I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you so much, AngelSunshine