After 72+ days, symptoms came BACK!!!
I've been on the BED for over 72 days, and I've been very strict about everything.
Last week, a bunch of symptoms came back!
I started to get dizzy after eating, some gas, constipation, postnasal drip- all symptoms that had disappeared on this diet- they're back!
I've been through the die-off, so I know it's not that.
I added enemas, L-Glutathione and
Bentonite to my regimen, to start clearing out my liver as the next step.
I had ONE
Bentonite Psyllium drink, right before the symptoms came back, and I'm wondering if the psyllium could be it? But that was over a Week ago!
I would think that with all the Pro-B's and anti-fungals I'm taking, that anything from that would have been eradicated pretty quickly.
I've also had some wicked symptoms of leaky gut syndrome that came back.
Any ideas?