Re: can't stop "thinking"!!!!
Hi, 3376,
I've been plagued with this, at times. I thought I was 'supposed' to 'think'.
Slowly, I began to learn better...and found small ways to calm the 'monkeys in a barrel' long as I wasn't feeling too strongly.
Over-thinking is useful, in a way, because it brings many ideas to light...but I learned that the brain is NOT in charge of is only the direction-finder, if that makes any sense.
I had one remarkable experience that helped me no end.
I was in a physical 'pickle', something was bothering my body, big-time...and someone who should know suggested a footbath in a one percent solution of Himalayan crystal salts (whole mineral salts from ancient dried-up oceans), for 'grounding'.
I happened to have a boxful in my cupboard but I hadn't tried them because I'd read that there are many 'fakes' out there.
I then thought that a footbath couldn't hurt, skin being as protective as it I did...twice...on consecutive evenings.
I eyeballed the amount I put in...less than a cupful in a standard-sized footbath tub, although I could have tasted the solution to be as 'salty' as tears.
Apparently the 'salts' are sterile.
On the third morning I was coming down the stairs and I noticed a remarkable thing...all anxiety had vanished! Nada! Gone!
(I didn't think I had much anxiety, anyway. I was 'on top of it' with all my 'thinking', wasn't I?)
In addition, the edema on the tops of my feet had reduced, dramatically.
Two unexpected results! And, they lasted!
A while later I thought that these footbaths might be very useful to those who seem to need antidepressants. At the very least, those folks could try a footbath or two, first.
The mineral salts I happened to have came from They must be the real thing because of my surprising reactions, I figure. As good for people as a clean ocean swim, if ones doctor wouldn't object to that, for them.
I suspect this might be a good thing to try, first, in any treatment...reasoning that the minerals have been through ocean plants, and all of plants' 'balancing' processes. Plants won't take up any more of any one mineral than is useful to the plant, itself. This is entirely my own notion, about the 'balancing' effect...from things I've read over the years.
I mean, that's how some plants become 'food' for other living things.
Do you know, I once saw a film, on TV, about migration of animals across a great African plain. All the migrating animals spread out rather randomly, except the wildebeasts (a kind of cow-like, or large antelope, creature). They, instead, followed almost a single line across the grasslands.
Since all the animals were grazing as they travelled, observers surmised there was a certain element in that particular line of grasses that wildebeasts need. Apparently they follow the same trail every year, automatically. I find that very interesting, but I don't dwell on it.
Apparently, we are all gathering tons of data, all the time...and we have brain 'filters' which sort out the most important, to us, and file the rest for later, should we need them.
There may be clouds in the sky, a certain angle of light, a truck is just passing, pea soup cooking, and the furnace just turned on...countless details that the brain may need to notice, or not.
We are in charge. We decide what is important, though some may have more trouble with some thoughts than others. For example, it may be easy to recognize the time to get up in the morning, without an alarm clock. I did that one morning when I was a teenager. I knew I needed to be up at six, so I set the alarm for that time, and found myself sitting up staring at the clock before it rang.
I haven't used an alarm clock since, except on a couple of rare occasions. I just practiced 'setting my mind' a few times and I was off!
It's a matter of trusting oneself, and our inborn skills, perhaps.
When thoughts are troubling, "NO" is a useful word, or "CANCEL." A busy friend told me that's the one she uses, silently, when people are complaining to her. :D
"APPLESAUCE" is a useful word, to me.
Jose Silva writes of an invisible, bullet-proof, glass one can pull, from left to right, between oneself and any bothersome images when trying to sleep, or any other time, I guess. He's a very interesting writer.
Some Taoists believe the nerve plexus in the region of the navel is a kind of 'body mind' that operates automatically, without 'thinking'.
They suggest that, when you are finished using your energy for 'thinking', and are ready for sleep, to 'smile' your excess energy down to that area. Just smile, and think of the navel region...and 'calming', I expect.
They believe there is a 'heart mind', too...and that the thinking mind may send energy to the three places, interchangably. I haven't experimented with the heart center, yet.
Another kind of exercise a person may 'practice' is writing. I couldn't remember excellent words, phrases, and ideas for more than two minutes, or less, when I was typing, at age sixtyish. So, I used the same method of remembering as I use to remember points I want to say in a group conversation...I tuck a finger in my palm.
Before long, I could remember for ages. Now, I even 'think' in written words, and quit when I want to. Please don't ask me to explain that.
A famous author jots words and phrases on chits, and tosses them into a row of labeled boxes on a shelf over her desk. Then, when it comes time to write a chapter, her words and ideas are ready for arranging. I think they also 'breed' in the box.
Many powerful executives, and common folk, have a top drawer into which they drop 'stew'. Sometimes they return to those chits, and add possibilities, even wild ones. On the due date one possibility fair jumps off the paper.
They often don't even have to remember the due date, they just find themselves opening the drawer, on time.
Your son has a wonderful asset in you. Someone who understands is a great gift.
When he gets to the point of self-reliance, your memories will warm you both, forever.
My best,