Re: Urging all who has been healed to share the cure
nice job #98577, way to welcome a new poster to the forum.. hope someone does get moderator status so they can ban you.
There has to be a cure, I don't feel we are far away at all. This forum has quite a few people that are constantly trying out new things to see what will make a difference.
It is probably true that most people just leave after being cured but I have read a few posts of people writing one last message to spread the cure. I read these posts about 2-3 years back and found them by typing "cure for exfoliative cheilitis" in a search engine.. it linked me to a forum where a woman claimed her EC was cured by taking fish oils and evening primrose oils along with some neutragina lotion or something like that. It didn't seem credible to me so I didn't end up trying it, I don't think she really had EC maybe it was just a bad case of chapped lips. I'm sure if someone from this forum cures them self they will stick around at least long enough to explain how.. I hope so at least lol.
I also believe there has to be a cure because my lips used to be blood red and raw with thick white/yellow skin that all peeled together and left my lips looking like a mess. Now (4-5 years later) my lips are usually pink and look normal.. they do feel scabby at times, they also get very red and inflamed when even I'm stressed or angry. My skin now peels in very small pieces and a much smaller area of the lip peels compared to before. I've done so much stuff to improve my overall health its hard to determine what exactly had effect on my lips.
ahr I was wondering about surgery. I would never trust it or get it done but I'm curious as to what they would do. Are they taking a skin graft from the back and replacing the skin on the lip or something?