Can EFT&callahan technique really help me with my OCD?In my social skills&soical life..
Can EFT&callahan technique really help me with my OCD in every aspect from my thoughts compulsions to start having a social life and gain soical skills?
If so from just seeing a EFT practitioner and doing both the EFT&callahan technique even a hypnotherapist I would have the social knoledge skills of a 22yr old as months go by?Also have a normal voice tone?
I'm 21 going to be 22yrs old this year it's a shame and ashamed that I'm 21 turning 22 this year and I have little or no social life, also little or no social skills, also having shyness that when I talk I talk in a monotone voice.OCD has sure affected almost every aspect of my life.I want to be viewed look as a normal regular person not looked a bit different i.e shy, weak, person.I feel like it's a shame and feel bitter about that I didn't get to enjoy the social life of a normal teenager from the time I was 13-through high school, like socialize go to movies with friends including hanging out with girls etc..I regret it and wish that I was a teen again in order to do things that I would and always wanted to but couldnt because of my OCD not having a socail life and having little or no social skills also shyness inescurity, my monotone voice.I always imagine fantazize hanging out with girls and everyone, socializing and plan to one day have a cute friendly attractive hot blonde girl.I want my OCD problems almost or all of my affected aspects from my OCD, from seeing how time flies by it scares me to think and see the future like where I would be in 10, 20, yrs later having this inablity to have a social life socialize and make more friends.I relize that this is somewhat a serious problem that I would have if I dont get this fixed..
I have been diognosed with OCD back in nov of 2001 when I was 15, when my anxiety disorder/OCD was real bad.I went first to see a psychiatrist back in August 2001 also a psychologist, I was starting to take some drugs and some did not work well.In november of 2001 I started taking Luvox for OCD, and other 2 anti-depressents.As months went by from seeing a psychologist I was getting better, then I went to see another psychologist that specializes OCD.Few years later when I was just only on Luvox my psychologist wanted to lower the dosage millagrams since she saw the progress how well I was doing, her goal was get me off of Luvox which I agree since I have read a book ("Your Drug May Be Your Problem-How ans why to stop taking psychiatirc drugs"by Peter R. Breggin, M.D').But since my insurence was paying to see the psychiatrist & psychologist, I wasent able to see my psychologist since Nov of 2005, because since I was 19 the insurence would no longer pay my visits.Since then I have been decressing my dosage on Luvox, now I take 25mg morning&evening, whereas I used to take 200mg in the morning&evening.
Now I'm doing ok attending at a community college later plan to transfer to a university...