How Did Pulp Get In The Middle Of Stone?
I did a
Liver-Flush Wednesday. I cut open one of the large stones to see if it would have any burnt orange color from the walnut extract I always put in the OO/GF, and right in the middle of it was what looked like a flesh colored worm or parasite, the size of rice, no burnt orange color, but different shades of green and brown.
I had to PULL the "worm" out of the middle of the "stone" cuz it was kind of stuck in it, wanting to check out this "worm" more closely, I noticed it was stretchy and rubbery and I pulled on it it still stretched, I pressed on it between my thumb and finger, it felt spongy, I stretched it again, it was rubbery, it got on the top of my finger and I couldn't shake it off, it was sticky. I thought, "could this be pulp? Nahhhh. Pulp isn't rubbery or stretchy, I thought, next time I'm going to do a
parasite cleanse FIRST.
Just now as I was taking out the trash with the halves of grapefruit on top, I got some pulp on my hand, getting ready to wash it off, to my amazement, I noticed it was the exact same thing as the "worm", same size, same color, same texture, same rubbery texture. I then wanted to simulate what I did with the "worm" in the stone, so I took another piece of pulp out of the grapefuit, (the grapefuit had been in the trash for about 38 hours since being cut, still moist though) I pressed it between my thumb and finger and it looked exactly the same, felt exactly the same, exactly the same size, and stuck to my finger. It was like De Je Vu.
How could a piece of pulp get in the MIDDLE of a stone if stones are made in the liver?
I desperately want to know/believe
Liver-Flush are real, and not just the OO/GF mix. I was convinced from all my "stones" that they are real because none of the "stones" come out burnt orange, or any orange from the walnut extract, just various shades of green or brown.
I wish others would not take any pulp out of their potion next time they do a flush and see if any pulp is in any of the "stones".
Any comments or ideas?