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Re: Liver Flush during whole body cleanse?
ajgasper Views: 1,404
Published: 17 y
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Re: Liver Flush during whole body cleanse?


I'm not sure what that cleanse is doing. You do want to make sure your colon is clean before you do a LF. If you feeling more tired, I would say it has not cleaned your colon yet, if it is suppose to.

If the cleanse includes a parasite cleanse that could also explain feeling tired. However, when I'm parasite cleansing, and things are not passing through my system (colon), I also feel sicker than a dog in addition to fatigue.

First, make sure you are drinking a minimum of at least half your body weight in oz of water. You can add a tbl of Sea Salt per 16 oz of water, in another 16 oz of water add half a squeezed Lemon, in another 16 oz add a tbl of Apple Cider Vinegar. You can rotate until you have drank your daily allotment of water.

For a Colon Cleanse I use the following:

2 tbl chlorophyll
2 tbl aloe vera juice
2 tbl Bentonite clay
1 heaping tsp psyllium husk powder
2 capsules cascara sagrada

I took this for five days prior to starting a parasite clease and my first LF. Now I take it for two days prior to a LF.

I also take a daily dose of Lower Bowel Balance from the Barefoot Herbalist. In a healthy colon, one should be expelling what they eat within 4 to 6 hours. If you are parasite cleansing that is going to be difficult, but eat stuff good for the colon.

To sumarrize. Drink lots of water, and make sure your colon is clean before you do a LF.

Hope this helps.



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