no and you wont find any either save for people selling the stuff but i will say this for aids eat garlic every day several cloves i read in a book it works just as good and better than all the drugs they give you costing all your money sure you will stink like garlic but your wallet will be happy i dont recall the book now i believe it was (all about garlic) before you spend money on a silver maker you should check out the beck protocol (googal that)and get his beck pulsar it also doubles as a silver maker (in some models ) he liked silver also oh he did turn grey before he died at least one long time friend claimed this , i just bought one for 2oo dollars i can feel the pulse in my arm its soppose to cuer aids but ive yet to find one person in the whole world who stood up and said i had aids and the beck pulsar cuered me or for hep c either im still waiting but i got one and will use it im ill so what can it hurt if i got took then so beiet peopel claim it helps them in other conditions like parasites things not really provable if you get one and cuer your self let me know i want to believe in it..