Hi, I am awaiting an answer from one of your herbalists but in the meantime can anyone help me please? i've done one flush, will be doing another in around 2 weeks when i've completed the parasite programme (didn't do it first time and suffered!) I am off all fat and starting to get more attacks, i am also getting a lot of itching from (i presume) bile salts coming out of the skin, is this always because a stone is blocking the duct? Am i getting attacks even though i'm off fat because there's a stone blocking the duct? I'm wondering if i should do as some do and have some olive oil each day, to maybe clear the stone and release the back up of bile. What do you think, please give me any ideas i am so scared of ending up in hospital. My urine is bright yellow from the bile now and i'm worried jaundice will be next. I will be so grateful for any advice. Thanks, Jen