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Re: catlin did I read that right?
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Published: 17 y
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Re: catlin did I read that right?

You are so much fun! I really missed you.
OK, where did the biosafe 5 come from. Australia. Mike sent it to me. Mike and his wife Robyn are good friends of mine.
His product is not exactly the same as Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , it is 5%, NOT 28%. And he tells you not to swallow it, spit it out. AND he tells you not to activate with a strong activator like citric acid .
Third point, no thank you, I don't care for Florida. Too many hurricanes.
Fourth point, yes I read Humbles book. Interesting how it changed after Bruce pointed out the mistakes. And in my own humble:) opinion, he isn't a very good author.
You don't know that nobody is dead from Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . You were missing from the board, and I thought, shoot, rmutu is dead from Miracle-Mineral-Supplement but we'll never know. But here you are alive and well. But you don't know that for a fact, do you? That nobody is dead from MMS?
Now, I don't know what business you are in, except mine occasionally, but if you owned a business, and your product was threatened by ridiculous claims, and people began to look at it skeptically, you might want to do something about that. And I'm pretty sure that he isn't worried that he is going to lose business to Humble, because as Humble is so fond of repeating, he doesn't make it or sell it or profit from it. Oh, and hey, I have some land in Louisiana that I'd like to sell you, if you believe that. It's a good price, a little boggy, but you can drain it.
As far as medical mj, I agree with you, I use it. But that has nothing to do with MMS.
And lastly, Bruce is not dangerous. Try to get to know him. He's the kind of guy that will help you out if you ask him. Email him and ask him about his stuff. One thing that I have discovered is that although both countries speak English, that's where the similarities end. The slang, the humor, it's all different. It's almost comical everytime I talk to Mike and Robyn on the phone. There is a silence after every sentence on both sides, translating in your mind what was said. And when Bruce has used humor on this board, it has been misunderstood. He's not scary, and he isn't mean. He is doing what he believes is right. Why is that wrong, r?
Did I miss anything? Are we good to go now? Did you miss me just a little bit?



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