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catlin did I read that right?
rmutu212 Views: 2,679
Published: 17 y
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catlin did I read that right?

You use biosafe5. Did Bruce send it to you or a member of the posse?

Doesn't that call into question, ethics. Just asking. I know we spend a lot of money filling our politicians pockets to keep them on one side or another.

Have you been bought?

I have read how you all feel Bruce has been treated unfairly because he has been silenced, yet he is trying to take a right of free choice from thousands of people just because he doesn't agree with thier choice.

This doesn't bother you?

He has a vested intrested in getting rid of anyone who is cutting into his profits and that makes him a good guy?

He is using the same product Humble is but in a very watered down version. Poison is poison.

Not because I say so but Bruce and his posse have been stating that for weeks. It just isn't Bruce's poison being pushed so that makes it wrong to take.

Bruce sell the same poison for a lot more money than Humble.

If you take into account the amount of product in a bottle.

People like Bruce are dangerous. They think they know what is best for everybody. They labor to see that everybody marches to their beat.

The worst part is he does it for his own personal profit, not ,I repeat, not for them betterment of mankind.

I rather have him not banned even if his rant is old.




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