Hmmm. Very interesting.
I live in a somewhat small town. I have a fair amount of family here, that is who I spend the bulk of my time with (or alone).
As far as friends go:
1 old friend who is single and didn't have a job until recently - we would hang out a good bit
1 old friend who is married, has a busy job plus was getting her MBA - rarely did anything with her
1 new person in town whom I kinda knew from college
There is NOBODY ELSE MY AGE that I know
Oh, and that new person, everybody thinks we should date, including him, and I don't want to.
And I don't even have a job, so it's not like I'm too busy. There's just nobody to know, and if there were, they would probably be too busy.
I had lived in Singapore for 4 years, I also didn't really make any friends there because they are busy workaholics there, probably worse than the USA. They already had their friends so in their few spare minutes they would do stuff with the friends they already had.
I have some close friends who live in different parts of the USA (far from me) so we keep in touch with e-mail and the phone and occasional visits but yeah, it isn't hanging out on a regular basis!
As a single young female, part of my problem is that the only people who want to do things with me are guys who want to date me (and thus far, I haven't wanted to date them).
I meet plenty of people I do NOT want to be friends with... I'd rather be alone than be friends with someone I can't relate to, or can't stand!