Yes it is increasing... I left a small town in 1965 for a job, then moved across country to LA for 35 years.... You make a lot of friends in that period, not the same as your "old" friends.... We did a lot over the years, rode the bike path from Torrance Beach to Marina Del Rey and drank tubs of margaritas along the way... Rollerskated on the bike path, had lunch at least once a week.... Had someone to run or jog with every week... I moved to Upstate NY in 99 and really do nothing on my off hours... My work friends are only that... So I get to visit my brother in Scranton, my sister and other brother moved to fla...
So if there is any deep dark secret that I want to talk about I am out of luck.... These days my best friend is my ex-husband and he is retired in Thailand, I'm sure not going to fly halfway around the world to yack....