Hi. After going through many losses and many traumatic experiences over the years several years ago I began doing much research on wholistic emotional healing techniques otherwise known as energy psychology. The one that I like the most is EFT (emotional freedom technique). It works through tapping on specific acupuncture points which releases old pent up emotions easily and painlessly. Its fairly simple and can absolutely be self-taught. I'm choosing to study it at great length to get better results by using a home study DVD set.
The manual is a free download there are lots of articles, a free newsletter and a couple of forums. The website is emofree.com.
What I look for is in any approach that I explore is: is it accessible? reasonably priced? self-empowering? effective?
What I love about EFT is how passionately the founders are in getting the technique out there to everyone for as low a cost as possible. They have a loose copyright on the DVDs where you can make up to 100 copies for free. Anyway I've had many positive quick sometimes dramatic experiences with EFT and can recommend it as an effective tool.
Hope this helps.