I'm going to agree with Rudi here. Here's why. I have watched and read many accounts of NDE's too. In the judgement situation I think it is yourself that judges yourself. Anyone ever watch the documentary called "Decoding the Tibetan Book of The Dead"? If not I recommend that you do. I think during the process of dying you immediately when you step into the void start to get scared instead of relaxing. So you start to immediately create your own hell. It's hard to explain. I just cannot fathom a God that wants to condemn people and put them in the fiery lake. Sure the experiences are real to people, just like there is a real heaven and I'm sure there are tons of other real spiritual realms.
I also believe what Rudi says about the messages in the bible along the way have gotten so distorted and people have taken out of the bible here, and added to it there to suit their own needs and to enslave society into doing what it is morally just. I honestly believe that is what has happened. So will we ever know what God and Jesus really said? Yes. When we die. That's all.