Re: Trysten....
Ok. Sorry I've been lagging on posting a blog, its a been embarressing to show my skin on the net sometimes.
I tried this product because another user here recommended it to me. I believe it was user 70942 actually..I'm not 100% sure as its hard to keep track of people with hidden usernames but yeah, anyway they said it was a product unlike any other and I tried it and wow..yes. Definately worth the money.
I visited home yesterday, hadn't been there in two weeks. My mom said she was shocked at how much lighter my scars got, in two weeks!
Of course using the products isnt all Im doing. I'm also doing the benzoyl peroxide regimen to keep the
Acne healing, and I rub a vitamin e oil into my scars at night every night, along with using the Beginnings product twice a week.
I'll work on getting those pics up soon!