Hi kendra 3430, thanks for the input on hypothyroidism. They checked my thyroid, blood Sugar levels and for autoimmune diseases right before I had the Mirena removed and all checked out fine. I'm sort of wondering if the hormone in Mirena along with my age (35) has put me in a pre-menopausal state. Or maybe it's going to take a full year (or more) for me to return to normal. My husband pointed out to me this last time that I've come such a long way. And he's right - I went from having mostly bad days with a few good ones here and there to mostly good ones now with a few bad ones here and there. So, I guess I just need to focus on the positive.
3jaysmom, you're right about how you, me, danielle, meat27 and aussiegirl have made some real progess in the past several months. We used to be obsessed with this site (I guess I should only speak for myself...I was obsessed with it) and now we only need it occasionally. So, that is a good thing. Take care of yourself and keep posting updates.