i've done Master-Cleanse a 1/2 dozen times in the past 4 yrs. Am heavier than I've ever been---49 lbs heavier than i was when I did my first. I exercise. eat fairly well---no red meat, no fried foods, try my best to properly combine. juice. but i was recently diagnosed (by my holistic doc) with high blood acid. so this is interesting. i planned to begin an Master-Cleanse this a.m. (yesterday was a new moon), but this msg seems like a msg i'm meant to hear. especially the part abt the 600 calories coming from the carbs in the maple. i'm going to juice. mostly vegetables. get my protein thru a daily 1 oz shot of wheatgrass. daily coconut water for parasites (i'm a sushi girl). i wld let you know if i experience the calm, clarity and "high" i've always experienced on MC, but the Nazis'll prob. banish me to the juice board. i wish you all well though.