19 y
how to find recommended posts; !HELP!
(after I wrote this, I figured out, this is a cry for help)
Hi, I'm new here, and I don't like to admit it, but my brain isn't even functioning. Isn't there supposed to be a 'recommended posts' at the top of the forum? How do I find them otherwise? Just scroll the whole thing?
If I am a total "mess" (so depressed I can barely think, eat or drink) I'm trying to read these....where do I start?? Limiting protein 4-6 hours before bed? Drinking lime water (don't know if I have the energy to find the stuff). I know, it's my choice, but I've got to make SOME simple choices to get enough energy to change the horrible thoughts I have and get enough energy tomake some better choices. I can't live in this hell I've created for myself, and I'm not sure how to get out. I've posted in the depression forum, and have so many suggestions, I don't know where to start. They all probably good, but too overwhelming as a whole.
thank you