Re: Spleen issues? Maybe?
Hulda Clark SAYS FLUKEWORK IN SPLEEN CAUSES DIABETES. i think that is suppose to be
european medicine. Wonder if you killed flukeworm.
My area around spleen and close there would hurt too.
For pancreas this doctor cured himself taking pancreatin enzymes.
named Kelly. might find something that will get you to his story thru
just me, have you tried patting mms on top of stomach area where hurts at?
I don't know maybe it might help?????
sorry you are hurting.
I got rid of alot of flukeworms.
Oh, one other idea, have you checked the
parasite support forum yet?
maybe they could be of some good. tel them your pain there on their forum.
mom had diabetes for her spleen we were feed her brussel cabbage (baby cabbage)
and green beans.
I'm sorry just me.
hope you get a lot better. watch out for those traditional doctors. Dont let them
take your parts out. tell everyone here if doctor has that on his pea brain.
I plan on keeping all my parts.
I had a doctor wanting to give me a hysterectomy back when I was in my late 20's.
I went to 18 doctors at least and finally found one that would not take my
uterus out.
I did not want to go on that hormone stuff for rest of my life. I am so glad
I didn't. Doctors werer taking those parts out unnecessarily to make money off
these surgeries.
i'll shut it.