Frequency Specific Microcurrent after 4 months
Morgellons Treatment
My last blog was @ the end of March /early April and I was just starting to get my life back after an intense treatment with the FSM ...
When I thought "great" , nothing can stop me now ! Well then I slipped and fell onto my hips and backwards I went and hit my head on the wall behing me. OHHHch !!. Was concussed for about a month, would have been alot worse if I hadn't used the FSM and the "concussion protocol". Because my vitally was low due to the fall/concussion the M started to come back. And so did the bath regime all over again with the FSM "
parasite " frquencies I use. Before that I had given it a rest for a few weeks I was feeling so good and only an itch or so now and then and no ohter MAJOR symptoms ....
So I then decided to go for the Homeopathic Silica 30C dose ...and let it run it's coarse for a month....using the FSM now and then (not every day , like I had initally for 2 months Jan and Feb)
Now I'm getting into the 3rd month and the Silica 30C did a wonderful thing , I had actually thought I was rid of it for a few weeks, no sign of it at all.. It brought out a bad thrush and I treated it with the microcurrent and got prompt relief from it immediately . So I'm cruising along happy with my energy levels , my life etc ..and thought this is good. Until just before my periods arrived and during it the other week ... the M started to come back. I did a few microcurrent treatments again and since i think I had used it so much in the past, It was very quick and effective in ridding it again. When I say "came back" ...I mean a few sensation in my hair and and white specks around my lashed and fringe / forehead area ....nothing like before ,you name... it I had it !
I decided the other night to take another Silica 30 C 3 nites ago (after the intial dose a month ago ) and it has helped eradicate the problem once agian quickly. Homeopathic Silica is classically used to rid foriegn objects from the body. I had hesitated to use it previously as It was suspected the M to be a Silica based life form....and that the Silica Homeopathic may the may aggrevate it . It didn't ,it has worked very well .I'm very pleased.
So I come to the conclusion that :
Increase vitality = less Morgellons ,
low vitalliy = more Morgellons manifestation
I travel a fair bit @ times and when away from home, I use a sulpher soap as a precaution.
I'd like to also note that I tuned into a web seminar the other night for Practitoners "Sleep and Detoxification"...and in the presentaton Dr Reza Samvat had said that he had been in contact with a lab in Japan for the past 10 yrs as regards to the Hypheal form of Candida , which is most pathogenic. The lab in Japan had noted that it easily crosses the Blood Braiin Barrier and the Kidney Blood Barrier, and that people with this Hypheal form of Candida are 80% apt to getting Polynephritis and neurological D/O's.
How intersting that many Morgie suffers have blood in their urine and mood disorders. He said if you are deficient in Zinc and Iron you are more likely to get Candida (low immunity ) He said the hypheal form has "horns " that go into the cell and suck these nutrients out (Zn + Fe) That it likes acidic conditions and that it can exist in the
KI and Brain.He says it takes him 4-6 months of treatment.
I can say that I'm so glad I 'm not infested with this thing anymore and I have an arsenal of alternative treatments to deal with what comes up . I'm a totally different person from when i started treating this problem Xmas time '07.
In happiness and health ...Mary x
PS I'm off shortly to beautiful Magnetic Island for 2 weeks , I'll be back after the 21st May