Russian Urine Enema/Therapy
For cleansing of the colon: his urine enemas consist of urine boiled down to 1/4; references to this procedure can be found in the Damar tantra. If one desires to cleanse the colon, one must perform daily
water enemas & every two days add a urine enema which is retained for 15 minutes. This is done by elevating one's pelvis for 2-3 minutes so the urine travels up the descending colon, and then lying on one's right side for the remainder so the enema reaches the transverse and ascending colon.
One should start with 100 ml of boiled urine and start building by 50 / 100 ml until 500 ml is retained. One remains at the 500 ml level for 4-5 times, and then starts reducing the amount in the same way until one reaches the starting level of 100ml. When one has completed this procedure, a maintenance enema of 100 ml every Quarter Moon is sufficient. For these enemas I don't use a bag, but a device that is like a red rubber balloon (no idea what its called in english, but its generally available in pharmacies here in Greece).
Malakhov seems to prefer boiled urine because it has different properties than fresh. His instructions also state to boil the urine with various metals if one needs their added properties. I boil mine with a gold cross, but you can also do this with a silver or brass depending on your needs. If anyone requires more info on this I'll ask my bf's mum to elaborate. It is an alchemical procedure, apparently.
In any case, if one wishes to use fresh urine for bowel cleansing, the enema must NOT exceed 1 lt. and the urine must be boiled previously for 3 mins, and then allowed to cool.
About urine massages: One should avoid massaging with fresh urine, as it has been observed to cause depression. He advises massages with boiled urine, a minimum of 50ml applied to the soles of feet, calves, hands, neck and face. Yogis apparently massage about 200ml for about 2 1/2 hrs thrice a day (!); but who has the time or patience to do that?! If I have time I do an 100ml full body massage and that's quite enough for me!
About fasting: the instructions are the same as in Western books, but an important difference is that one should NOT massage OR perform urine enemas with one's fresh urine (as mentioned above), OR with one's own boiled urine which has been collected during the fast. Supposedly, vital trace elements (or micronutrients) are missing when one is fasting, so the result is not as potent. He advises using someone else's urine for the enemas and daily massages while fasting, so I've got my boyfriend peeing for me now! For those worried about hormones, these elements are supposedly lost or neutralised when boiled.