Re: Summary of my day.
I saw many improvements to other parts of my body when I regularly did breathing exercises for about 15 days. My nose was swollen due to surgery became normal the second day of doing pranayama, stomach became normal and I saw many other benefits.
The logic behind breathing exercises is simple. Lets take an example, if you run non stop for a mile you would take deep breaths, would't you? to give energy back to the body which it lost during the run. What if you give that same energy back to the body despite not running, the body gets rejuvinated and improves the immune system becomes stronger. The idea behind pranayama is to give oxygenated blood to different parts of the body so that the body functions normally. I'm not an expert at pranayama but I hope you understand what I mean?
Similarly in Yoga the logic is the same. How many times during the day you subconsciously strech your body to release muscle tension? I guess atleast 4-5 times a day. Now what if you do those similar streches conciously for atleast an hour?
Unfortunately, I failed to dedicate some time to do these exersises for they are time consuming and tiring. I'm from India and "pranayama" has been pioneered in India by Hindu saints for 3000-4000 years. I have met people, who permanently cured- Genetic BP, cancer, hepatitis (non curable according to modern medicine),
Psoriasis (people had for 10 years), eczema and many more....
I'm one hundred percent sure that ec would go away in maximum 6 months if pranayama is done regularly according to diet. I had given suggestion in the past about pranayama but no one seems to be interested and want to follow just one man...Right now i'm gonna do pranayama regularly even if I have to loose my job..
If you are interested julie819, you may like to google: anulom vilom, kapal bhati, bhastrika, bhramri and udgeet pranayama. Its difficult to do all these breathing exercises but don't miss out on "bhastrika" - 5 mins daily, "anulom vilom" - 15-20 min daily, "Kapal bhati" (very powerfull) - 15-20 min daily.
Also avoid salt and
Sugar as much possible. Use rock salt instead. Eat green vegetables, avoid red meat, no outside food, no pizza and burger, hard cheese etc. Drink indian gooseberry and bottle gourd juice if available in your country...
If you have any more questions please ask. I'll be happy to answer all of them.
All the best.