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First Liver Flush. A Success or Not
HiveHater Views: 1,564
Published: 17 y

First Liver Flush. A Success or Not

Hi everyone. After 3 1/2 months of constant hives and horrible digestion and gas I decided to do my first flush (Hulda's)last night. Everything was fine, drank the Epsom Salt in the evening w/no problems and the OO (Olive-Oil) & Grapefruit mix I actually enjoyed.

It was difficult to sleep last night though. Tossed and turned all night.
Felt quite bloated all night as well w/flu like symptoms. Low grade fever and my lungs filled w/fluid that I kept hacking up through the night.

Got up at 6am, got 1/2 way through the first morning dose of Epsom Salt and had to vomit. I hadn't vomitted in years. Forgot how unpleasant it is. Not only did I vomit what seemed to be all of the OO/GRPFRT mix but tons of mucus came up as well. Then immediately following I had diarreah. Lifted the collander out and rinsed it and saw a lot of tiny bright green "stones" I guess. Like a residue almost. I don't know if I would call them stones though cause they were pretty soft to the touch.

Oh yeah BTW, my hives immediately subsided a bit. I still have a lot of the weals visible but the itching has reduced dramatically and my fever broke immediately.

Do you think this is more result of the few tiny stones passed or a lot of the mucus?
I got the hives immediately following (3-4 days after) having a horrible bacterial infection in my lungs. I fought it w/ garlic, onions, megadoses of Vit.C, Grapefruit Seed Extract and Oil of Oregano. My current theory is that all of that stuff spurred a serious detox that my body just couldn't handle.

I'm overwhelmed by how much people at this forum know and
I'd like to get some of you opinions on this.

Thanks everyone!


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