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Re: Hepatitis C Results
jfh Views: 6,176
Published: 17 y
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Re: Hepatitis C Results

I know absolutely nothing of Hep C; or whether Miracle-Mineral-Supplement can treat it. That's my disclaimer; before I start here.

I was taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for 6 months; before I really recognized any improvement in my more major condition, fungus overgrowth. Minor symptoms were being resolved along the way. That helped me persevere in the the therapy. I went all the way to the 15x3 and back to an more reasonable 10x2. Now I'm at 6x1 or more per day maintenance, seven months later. I was in detox mode for those 6 months. Some days were worse than others. I only had a few days of nausea, many days of diarrhea, and most days with sinus and occasional constipation. I knew that the fungus was still active; because of my sinus swelling and congestion. I'm just telling you this to let you know that it took a long time to make a breakthrough. When it did, it was the miracle that I had yearned for. I'm having trouble getting off of the "over the counter" nasal spray; but after all, that has been a lifetime of use.

My breakthrough was as if Miracle-Mineral-Supplement finally found the major hiding place of the fungi.

I helped MMS along in the last few weeks. I took an extra anti-fungal. MMS must have cleared the path to make it easy for the anti-fungal to work.

During this time, I did not take any extra vitamin C. Actually, I never was consistent in taking vit C before that; or even now. Whatever I get, I get from multivitamins and food. I did take selenium for antioxidant.

So here's what I'm saying. I think you should consider continuing MMS along with any other protocol you are doing. Perseverance is the key. MMS will really help your immune system. Even if you just take the daily maintenance of 6x1, it will help. You can even take it before bedtime. That way, your other therapy won't interfere. The thing with vitamin C is that you should not have it working at the same time as MMS. Vitamin C is unstable; so it does not last in the body very long at all. That is why it is recommended to take it at varying times during the day. If you take MMS at bedtime, you should probably not take vitamin C as close as 2 or 4 hours before MMS.

Just try it. MMS get kill other pathogens while you are working on your Hep C; and it is very possible that it is working the way it worked on my fungi - a little at a time.


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