I don't think that the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement & Lloyd Wright protocols can work together. Vitamin C is important with Lloyd Wright's program. Plus, I used Miracle-Mineral-Supplement at full 15 drop dose, 3x per day, for 30 days, and even did a mega dose of 40 drops one day and it didn't help my results with hep c. I very skeptical of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and it's effectiveness with hep c. I've never directly heard of anyone being cleared of hep c using mms. I have, on the other hand talked directly with several people who've had stellar success with Lloyd's program, plus he's much more credible than Jim Humble's statements. I will say this about MMS though, I haven't had a herpes breakout since trying mms over 3 months ago, and I've had a cold during this time.