Parasites live in "groups"
I didn't want this to get lost in the thread about the Traditional Chinese Med, and something Rabbitears had posted--
"There is something that I want to make mention of that I forgot to in the previous post. I had acupuncture done years ago (prior to my discovery) because I was experiencing strange cold breath even on extremely hot days, and I had a cold spot below the navel. I tried many herbs to get of the problem and resorted to acupuncture to get rid of the "dampness".
As it turns out, when I started to eliminate parasites the cold breath and cold spot started to disappear. How about that! I was able to make a connection about the internal coldness. I now believe that the Chinese association of "dampness" is related directly to parasites -- they are damp and like to maintain a certain temperature in a group"
He hasn't posted for a while now, but Azurite had alot of good information, and was a big help to me. He was doing the Bob Marshall training (Premiere Research Labs), and said the same thing about parasites grouping together:
The whole thread is here, and has more good information in it (I have also been battling periodontal infections- just had the chronic wisdom teeth removed, and had 3 cracked teeth crowned in the past 6 months)
" do believe you are in a vicious circle. Teeth infections are usually driven by intestinal imbalances believe it or not. But then the teeth themselves become the driving force behind other problems later on. That is usually the case (although not always).
As for the choice between teeth or parasites I am wondering if you can stay the course with both at the same time? and believe me I do not have an answer here but just throwing out some options to trigger more problem solving.
Maybe stay with all methods of parasite removal by taking only herbal non alcohol products? That includes lots of fresh raw non-irradiated old fashioned proven to work and reliable GARLIC. I believe your raw juice recipe rocks! Get all the raw garlic in your system you can.
The additional benefit is what it will do for your teeth. I would put a tablespoon of organic oil in my mouth and chew a good sized piece of garlic with the oil and just swish that in my mouth for five minutes and spit it out. I would do that 3-4 times a day. This came to me while sungazing this morning. Nothing fancy but a good old fashioned remedy. It certainly cannot hurt either. In addition I would take garlic internally in every thing I swallowed. I could care less what anybody thought about how I smelled! LOL! Garlic is powerful medicine. It was given to us for a reason.
It will also bust the biofilms which I suspect you have a great deal of too. I would continue on the garlic for several months every single day. The info I have on parasites is the most extensive and unique I have seen ever including Humaworm or Barefoot. Dr. Marshall is an expert on parasites, their behaviour patterns and tropical medicine. He goes way beyond what I have read here at the CZ. (Hulda Clarke actually came to him for parasites).
Parasites have a group consciousness! Yes a group consciousness. They have what is termed a quorum effect where they can actually communicate with each other even though they are entirely different species and types. They will tell each other to hide and hibernate too. They will all attack the host simultaneously too when they give the signal. (This may be what is happening to you right now) They will burrow into the biofilms. The longer an infestation the thicker and harder to reach are the biofilms. The castor oil will get them to hatch from the biofilms vey quickly (one day time) BUT you need the antiparasitics in operation to kill them when they exit the biofilm nests. I have not seen any reference to this at the Curezone especially in regard to the castor oil effect or the quorum effect.
Just as humans are a host for parasites the parasites are hosts for other microbes. Flukes are hosts for viruses, bacteria and fungal infections. This is why the longer the infestation the deeper the other underlying issues. In your case I am surprised you are functioning at all. You must have a strong constitution. If I had your situation I would be dead right now.
The holarrhena is probably the most amazing herb you will find for small intestinal infection. Dr Marshall has had more praise for that one product than any other in his arsenal and THAT is saying a lot.
Personally I hate drive-by-diagnosis but in your case I just really want to help. I know that is a contradiction but I never said I wasn't human either! You had mentioned a sort of IBS type intestinal condition (small intestine related) and the Parastat is the remedy par excellence which is why I suggested it to you. That stuff works. When you take it you can have a die-off reaction but that is something you are quite familiar with already. The SI (small intestinal )issue is most likely driving the teeth infections. Marshall and Barefoot both say that. Except now the teeth may have moved from a secondary issue to a primary issue where they are contributing to you problems directly."
The SI issue he is referring to is Celiac, found through a biopsy in an endoscopy prior to gallbladder surgery, confirmed with a blood test--BUT- thankfully, I haven't had the intestinal problems often associated with it- the diarrhea etc- and Newport says Celiac/malabsorption IS parasites, I'll try to relocate his post too--