Re: Repost: Banaba tea supports kidney cleanse, liver flush, diabetes and weight loss
PC, I had early stage kidney failure when these folks dragged me out of liver dysfunction and I've continued to have flareups with my right kidney all along.
Since Aug last year, I've passed 7 kidney stones ... pain-free, I might add.
2 weeks ago, I began swelling in my feet and ankles again! I went to the healthfood store to see if I could get banaba tea, they don't carry it. So, I got parsley and cranberry teas, cranberry juice, and cranberries and parsley for my greensmoothies.
In the mornings, I drink hot leamonade and add cayenne pepper which is a dialative herb.
I've passed the stone and the swelling is gone.
I think this dang kidney was in the process of fossilizing!!!!!!!! Each time I pass stones the sensation around my sparerib deminishes!
If your liver is in a state where it is swollen to a HUGE size like mine was, it's sitting on top of that right kidney, making it very difficult for it to function. It makes sense to me that some of us have both problems.