Leg Cramps on Master Cleanse - long
I have a question for the pros.
I have been ill lately. I know I have a weakened liver and kidney. The list of reasons is way too long to post but trust me, I do.
Until I discovered calcium magnesium supplements I had leg cramps my entire life. As a child I would awaken almost every night in pain. I had many cavities as a child too, no matter how often I brushed. I was clearly deficient in some nutrients and had WAY too much junk food.
Anyway I went on a Master Cleanse (MC) for several days, without supplements as suggested in the book, and my leg cramps returned. I am guessing it is OK to take vitamins on the cleanse.
I am considering a watter fast for several days with just vitamins and water. Any opinions?
Background info: I have done
colon and
parasite programs. I did it right after taking 1/2 a prescription of sulfur drugs for an infection. I was also on natural testosterone by the same doctor as my levels were very low (now I know-liver function). Right when I started drnatura my feet broke out is sores which in a short time covered most of my body. After a full 30 day cleanse, drnatura, the sores were still there on most of my body. I stopped both the drugs I was taking as I had pretty severe pain on my glans and thought it was a reaction to the testosterone. That was a joy. I then took humaworm to kill any Candida that I had. I have joint pain in my arms which I believe to be gout. My back started hurting (my guess-kidney) so bad that I had to lay down every hour or so to relieve the pressure of gravity.
I ordered Dr Schultz's starter program. I took 3 intestinal cleanse pills which wiped out my digestive tract and I got ill for about 2 weeks. There was a long lasting cold/flu going around the area. Normally I don't get those but since I hammered my digestive system, I got it. For the record I do have several bowel movements every day. When I ate like Fit for Life suggests (modified), fruits in the morning, salad and veggies for lunch, and pretty much anything for dinner, I lost about 34
pounds in one month. That was with eating pizza at time for dinner.
I tried the
Master-Cleanse instead of a water cleanse for my grandchildren. I figured it would help me to remain more patient with them than a fast would. Three days into the
Master-Cleanse I couldn't even tell I had arms. There was no pain at all. People have mentioned that on the
Master-Cleanse they get stronger every day. I got so tired and on the forth day I ate a banana and felt a surge of energy. I broke the cleanse due to a busy time that came up. I had to travel for several days and I knew looking for a toilet wasn't going to work out.
Anyway, any suggestions you all could give would be very much appreciated.