16 y
ORTHOrexia Nervosa
Have you guys heard of this? If is basically a disorder in which one is obsessed with eating healthy. One eats so healthy that it is unhealthy. I have this, and the Candida diet I was put on three months ago has made it worse. Like I have said before, I doubt if I ever even had Candida. My GI symptoms (gas, bloating, pain) have gone away, but that could be because I have eliminated foods that I was shown to be intolerant to on a
food intolerance test and have taken supplements for leaky gut.
I do the following:
1) I plan what I am going to eat on a given day days in advance
2) I plan my schedule around meals
3) When I go out to eat I have to make sure it is a place that serves plain grilled fish
4) I avoid eating at other people's homes
5) At the end of the day, if I am still hungry, I tell myself "too'll just have to wait until tomorrow" because I have already eaten what I had planned to eat for that day.
6) I do not allow myself to eat the same food two days in a row, no matter how bad I want it
Basically...there is no spontaneity in my diet AT ALL. I look at my life....and it is a very unhappy one. A healthy lifestyle surely includes social life what WTF is my problem? I am scared to add foods back into my diet. What if something bad happens? And this has nothing to do with getting's about purity regarding food.
Does anyone else have any experience with this? Hopefully you don't have it as bad as me...