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Re: I got rid of the white stuff: it was easy, real easy
montrealhomegrown Views: 7,541
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Re: I got rid of the white stuff: it was easy, real easy

hey guys,

like i said i have respect for just about all religeons..

kartiks to answer yer question the church of jesus christ of laterday saints isnt really a christian religeon its more of a cult, those people have all lost touch with reality.

the pope is catholic which is a religeon that i have mannnny questions about, like they say "the eyes are the window to your soul" look into the popes eyes and feel the light of god radiating off him? didnt think so, not to mention the bottom article he was trying to turn christians and catholics against islam. doesnt it say in the bible to love your fellow man and accept them ect ect ? not to mention all the catholic priests molesting young boys.. man that shit is sick.. hope they get the worst of it in hell. how can you respect a religeon plaugued with sick minds?

as for what you said about talking down on your own religeon getting you killed if your muslim, that brings me to something else i @%@$ing hate.. FORCED RELIGEON. when i was a little kid i got dragged to church every sunday even tho i told my parents over and over i wasnt interested. this was very close to turning me against religeon completely, luckily it didnt. religeon should never be forced on someone, for someone to develop a spiritual bond with god it has to be there choice! also as for muslims killing anyone who turns on the religeon those people are just $@(ed in the head and deserve to be killed themselves, where does it say in ANY holy text to kill someone who isnt your religeon. in fact where does it allow the killing of ANYONE? religeons should preach peace over anything else... lol, and what kind of jackass stones someone to death anyways hahah i dont know where muslims get this from but it sure as hell dosnt say in the Holy Quran to crush peoples faces with rocks, please correct me if im wrong tho :D the peeps who pull out peoples tongues and stone them are discraceful to the religeon and should be brought to justice themselves.

like i said im not even close to an expert on religeon so some of this may be wrong but i think there are different branches of christianity, i was brought up protestant. im not even protestant anymore, like i said i follow what makes sense out of every religeon. some protestant churches have gay priests!! once i saw that it made me sick, that shits so wrong..

the fact remains that religeons do nothing but divide..


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