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Re: I got rid of the white stuff: it was easy, real easy
montrealhomegrown Views: 7,514
Published: 17 y
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Re: I got rid of the white stuff: it was easy, real easy

actually i think the main difference between christian and muslim is that in christianity jesus was the son of god wheras in the koran jesus is refered to as a prophet.

another difference is that muslims suffer from the media trying to make them all look like crazy martyrs while on the other hand the media makes christians look like harmless angels. the media is trying to make muslims look like monsters, and turn everyone against them, or at least in america they are..

im pretty sure its a fact that christianity has caused more deaths than every war combined.

i follow my own religeon which is a combination of what makes sense to me out of all of them. THIS IS NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE!! but many things in any religeon dont make sense, in the bible some guy gets swallowed by a big tuna and gets spit out 2 weeks later still alive.. right... then in hindu one of the gods has an elephant head with many arms, muslim if your loyal to god you get 60 virgins in heaven.. (so what do woman get in heaven to share a man with 59 other chicks? LOL) budhism, scientology whatever it is to me its flawed. thats why i just take what makes sense from everything and find my own way. once again please no one take offence to this, i just want to explain my view. religeon to me is just a guide on how to live your life, i do beleive in god but it isnt easy when you look at the world today..

anyways im no expert on the subject ive never done much research on religeon

in my experience many times people with no faith are better to society than fake christians, muslims, hindus whatever. alot of people goto church but dont follow the words, and others are just crazy and follow every last word like some kind of fanatic.


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