Re: im stuck..why???
It can be normal for weight loss to slow down and even stop for a while, but usually the body is still detoxing and reducing fat. Sometimes it is busy rebuilding damaged or diseased tissues so the fat you drop isn't seen because it is just being replaced by the new flesh in a process called autolysis.
However there are some things that you mention that could be restricting your bodies efficiency in the fast and ultimately the weight loss. Tasting foods stimulates the digestion system, so even though you're not eating the body is diverting energy there from the heart in anticipation of the food it's expecting. This obviously takes energy away from other cleansing and detoxing operations that the body would otherwise be engaged in.
It is also possible you are drinking too much water. Some fasting authorities say to drink gallons of the stuff almost every day. There is no need to do this and you can actually overdose on it. Drink only according to thirst, it is okay to only drink one or two glasses per day for example or even to go without altogether if you aren't thirsty. If you go for longer than 24-36 hours without water read up about dry fasting so you know what you're getting yourself into but suffice to say less is better than more. :)
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) is a bad idea in my opinion. The risk of absorbing the salt is just too dangerous. The body regulates and balances our system completely while fasting and adding something to that mixture from the outside is not a good idea. It can also again take energy away from the real job of the fast which is to cleanse detox and repair your body.
Your body IS still burning fat though, so I suspect it is the water consumption which is holding back your perceived progress on the scales.
I hope this helps.