Re: im stuck..why???
Hello anglynn,
well I think you may have probably answered your own question about your weight-loss.
If you drink plenty of water, and are urinating every few minutes, then you are consuming far too much water; this will overload your kidneys & ultimately accumulate in your tissues. This will also give the appearance of not losing any weight because of water retention.
Water drinking should really be according to thirst..............
"Thirst is seldom great during a fast. I have watched fasters go for two and three days at a time and take no water, simply because there was no demand for water, and they have not suffered as a consequence. Others take but little water; sometimes not more than half a glass a day. Then, there are those who drink much water. In some of these there may be thirst; in others it appears to be nothing more than a result of a desire to get something into the stomach. Others drink because they have been taught that they must. In occasional fasters, there will arise a great thirst that may last a day or two or three days, during which time they will drink so much water that their tissues become water-logged and they gain in weight as a result. The thirst subsides and they do not drink so much thereafter. Large quantities of water should be taken when thirst calls for much water, as it sometimes does; otherwise, there should be no effort made to take large amounts of water. Excesses of water are simply eliminated without increasing the elimination of waste--perhaps, on the contrary, with an actual decreased elimination of waste."
The Hygienic System Volume III....Fasting & Sunbathing....Dr H M Shelton