I'm glad you found this site and got your Mirena out. I just wanted to let you know that I had tingly arms and legs and weakness in my legs along with extreme fatigue, dizziness, and a multitude of other symptoms. I am 3 months post removal and doing better, but still not 100%. The tingling has gotten much better. I haven't had the extreme leg weakness in about a month. I am hoping that it won't come back. My symptoms seem to cycle, but it is getting longer between relapses of symptoms and I'm hopeful that they will be gone forever soon. Oh, I had major twitching too and that has also improved a great deal. My left eye still twitches several time every day, but the twitches througout the rest of my body are much better. I hope you see a speedy recovery. These symptoms can be very scary. I was also convinced that I had MS or ALS or some other debilitating disease. I still have my days when I think I'm dying of something, but not as often as I used to. Good luck!