Lulu: I had to respond to your message, your symptoms were just like mine. I was seeing a neurologist and psychologist for 3 months because of my significant memory loss and confusion. I had CAT scans, EEG's and every conceivable blood test that is out there. I was so tired ALL the time, my body hurt everywhere. Doctors were looking for MS/chronic fatigue/fibro Mayalsia/Dementia/lyme Everything. But what they told me that it was NOT the Mirena. I started having symptoms 2 weeks after having it put in and I called right away. She told me to go back and read the brochure again. (my symptoms, of course, were not listed on the brochure) I gained 25
lbs. in 6 months. The
Depression and anxiety were terrible. I pretty much became agraphobic (sp) I was afraid to drive, afraid I couldn't take care of my kids, I was afraid of everything because I didn't know if I was doing anything right. I was forgetting who people were, confusing people thinking they were someone else, and forgetting who people were like I never met them before. It was REALLY scary. Oh, and my hair was falling out in handfuls, I probably lost 1/3 of my hair. After finding this site I printed alot of posts that were similar to my story and brought them into my OBG/YN, I have to say she sat and read them all and almost cried, she truly felt terrible. This is someone I have been with for 20 years and brought all three of my children into the world. So anyway, Mirena came out and one year later I have absolutely no symptoms at all. The memory and confusion were gone right away - other problems took more time. So try not to worry too much, be glad you had it taken out and give yourself time to recover. I am still so thankful for this site, I may never have known what was wrong with me. Good luck and be patient.