Please read the Mdpela and everyone else
Hate to eb the breaker of bad news.
But i will almost guarantee that you guys could all be cured in 3 to 6 months if you followed a special protocol
This is caused from a shit diet, and it IS beatable. The government couldn't care less about smelly people, save your time. All this time could be spent more wisely, getting you or your loved ones better.
Yes it is by no means easy to get better, but i am living proof that this debilitating problem is not forever.
you only have to go the fecal odour forums on ibsgroup. Another success story in 2 months, although she used
Antibiotics in her protocol to kill all good and bad bacteria then build the good bacteria back up. Have a read. Mdpela, this is killing me because your son could be playing with his mates, and being treated normally. Really, you have to let him know. I'm begging you.