Repost of Rabbitear's story ascaris- why you don't want to kill a bunch at once
I asked Rabbitear's off of Microbe Detectives if she would mind in the past if I reposted her story- it's one of the reasons I wouldn't want to take a big bunch of horse wormer or try to kill off a bunch at one time-- horses die from balls of ascaris- as can people...Rabbitears has more someplace on her forum, but this is her personal story:
How are you these days?
Sure, please go ahead and post what you'd like.
I wrote several posts about colonics/ascaris. Here's one that I found when I did a quick search. Is this the one that you saw? I describe everything that I tried to move the
Ascaris out when they blocked me.
In general, when
Ascaris feel threatened they group together in their colonies to ball up causing blockages or intestinal obstructions. I spoke to a surgeon who use to do many surgeries in India with people who had ascaris. He told me that they would find balls of
Ascaris along the intestinal tract. How they removed them was to pull the intestines out and run their hands on the outside of the intestines to squeezing them out. Afterwards, a person was given a heavy dose of anthelmintics.
As for pet dewormers, people should be careful and I wouldn't recommend them. There was a really good thread where Apxr, wrayc, I, and a few others have an excellent discussion about the subject. It is a conversation that everyone should read.