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Re: Please help - dog with no appetite
squarecurls Views: 14,873
Published: 17 y
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Re: Please help - dog with no appetite


My heart really goes out to you.

Something to consider would be homemade chicken broth. Don't use any garlic or onions. Use potatoes instead.

Then, instead of getting your little friend to drink this, give her some spoonfuls. Also, a medicine syringe is very useful for this too.

There are some tremendous tips on bone broth making somewhere here on curezone. I think it is in Nourishing Traditions forum?

Anyway, just get some bony chicken parts... back, neck, wings (I also put some liver and gizzards in also).

Put this in cold water along with 1/4th cup apple cider vinegar. If you don't have this, it's okay... it just helps draw out the minerals & nutrients. Plus, the ACV has it's own special benefits too.

If you have the ACV, let the chicken parts sit approx a half hour in the water before beginning to heat for the purpose of nutrient drawing.

Some people put the veggies in at this time too, but I sometimes wait until the chicken has cooked. Then I take the meat off, put the bones back in and then add a couple carrots, a few stalks of Celery and a potato or two. You can do it either way.

Once the veggies have cooked really really well, strain and cool.

I hope I'm not giving info that you don't need, but ... it is best to bring the chicken and veggies to a boil very slowly. Takes me around an hour, give or take. Be sure to skim the muck that comes to the top too. That stuff is NOT good. Once the broth has come to a boil, reduce heat and gently boil/simmer for as long as you are able.

The longer the bones cook the better the broth. I've even broken the bones in half to expose the marrow.

Also, remove as much fat as possible. Cooked fat, from what I have read, is not good for our little beloved friends.

Best Wishes for you and yours,



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