Another question for colon cleansing
I was listening to a very early hour radio talk show promoting a 90 day
Colon Cleanse by a Dr. Loren Ritter. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say the product name, but it's a colon and body cleanse. I've looked the product up and was thinking this seemed like a good choice. Then I went searching on the net and came across another product and the people on this site stated that a
Colon Cleanse should only be done in five days, that anything longer wasn't necessary and whoever sells these types of products are after your wallet.
When doing a colon cleanse, what is the amount of time needed to do one and how often should it be done? Is twice a year sufficient, or every three or four months? Also, is a
Colon Cleanse as effective as a colonic? I understand from Dr. Ritter he doesn't believe
colonics are necessary, that a good cleanse is good enough. Asking for opinions/advice. Thanks.