Re: Where did I see it?
Your comment that the 'problem' might be 'mechanical' gives me pause.
Telman tells in the
Liver Flush Forum of two ways the body moves stuff on through, one being digestion, the other being a mechanical 'wave' of muscles (I forget the name but I'll dig it up if you ask).
In my case, occasionally I've had 'perfect' BM's which were a joy but I didn't note my diet, etc., so I could repeat it.
But, I figure that those times must have overridden (is that a word?) whatever was causing the firmness of stool.
Also, I made a pot of fish chowder and added a huge bunch of parsley and ate the whole thing. The result, within an hour, was that the whole intestinal tract emptied, without discomfort, all at once.
I thought the most amazing part of that experience was the evenness of color and texture.
This was after I had begun eating some whole flax seeds daily...which seemed to account for the evenness of color, and maybe the texture, too...not watery, but looser than normal.
If you'll excuse too much filled the toilet, but did not stick to the sides.
Needless to say, I tried to repeat the recipe, some time later. It didn't work, maybe because my bunch of parsley was about half the size.
There are dozens of possible 'reasons' why I'm getting this blockage, I guess...including bile/pancreas flow, parasites, activity level, water consumption, emotional, spasms, and so on. But the fact that sometimes I get remarkably good results makes me search for the key...something I can do repeatedly for good health.
Back to the drawing board!
And you can be sure that I'll post it if I find it!
Many thanks, No Biz.