Thought I'd check in with all of you cleansing over the Easter holiday! I've fasted through so many traditional feast days, I can relate. It can be a real challenge to sit through a beautiful meal with well-meaning family and friends tsk-tsking as you drink your lemonade or herbal tea... It takes real commitment to do serious internal cleansing.
It's the commitment that gets me through days like this; the absolute knowledge that I am doing something wonderful for myself allows me to enjoy the social aspects of the holiday even though I am not eating. Food will definitely be there when I am ready for it again, and fasting gives me a great appreciation of food and the way it nourishes my newly clean body.
That said, I have on many occasions yanked a plate of beautiful food from in front of a startled diner and taken a good long SNIFFFF!!! Food never tasted as good as it smells during a cleanse!
I'll be joining you all soon -- time for a good Spring cleaning!