problem 2 days after fast break - no eliminations. Laxative?
Dear friends,
A big happy shout out to those of you fasting. Hold on there. It's worth the benefits, I think having just finished 10 days.
Question for anyone more experienced out there though.... I'm kinda lacking BMs so far in the 2 days since I broke fast.
Since I ended it with a very successful liver cleanse, followed by
colonic irrigation therapy and ended up with a "completely clear" intestine. That could be an explanation, but I've come across people saying the cleanse disrupted their metabolism and they couldn't regain it. I'm eager to get mind back in order. Would likd to cut time of food passing through my body to 24 hours.
I could go back to the senna leaf tea, but that seems like forcing the issue. Don't want to run my body on stimulants.
Broke fast with apple juice (me and oj not friends due to acid feeling it gives me) and small amounts of fresh veg salad and juiced fresh fruit. and eliminations too!) Had mostly fresh veg and a small amount of goats cheese the day after. Mostly the same today, plus some nuts and 2oz home made houmous. About 2 litres water which is about half what I had during cleanse. Body doesn't feel dehydrated. Some faint dull pain in stomach and intestines, that's it.
Any guidance much appreciated. I came this far and want to handle the transition as well as possible.
Many thanks in advance for any help. and also thanks to the creators of this site which is an amazing resource.
All best wishes