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Re: Chronic Sinusitis ?'s...your help appreciated!
cedar0009 Views: 6,149
Published: 17 y
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Re: Chronic Sinusitis ?'s...your help appreciated!

Liver Flushing and removing mucoid plaque from your intestines and healthy alkaline diet. I use Hulda Clark e flush, but drinking apple juice for the week prior gives incredibly better results. The malic acid in the apple juice breaks up stones considerably, which helps more than you can imagine. I use Blessedherbs colon cleanse, which is best used whilst fasting, which yields huge amounts of mucoid plaque. I also juice celery, carrot and lemon daily, and add MSM and Barley powder. One more thing, coffee enemas, are excellent. Read up on Richard Anderson and Andreas Moritz , they are by far the best authors of the health books I have.

I have very nearly cured my chronic sinus, I'm extremely confident within a couple of months. I have been working on it for about 3yrs. My last fast, which was only 3days, followed by a coffee enema yielded about 20 small tumous and the feeling afterwards was tremendous, a sign of whats to come. i thought the sinus actually cured, it felt euphoric. I have just ordered Richard Andersons mucoid plaque cleanse this time, with probiotics and minerals, and will do the full 7days fasting. And on the liver flushing, I had done over 30 flushes, and thought I must be clear or nearly?? But then followed Andreas Moritz instructions and I was astounded, i reckon I purged about 500grams of the stuff last flush. Other's may disagree with my approach, but the me i was 3yrs ago, is nothing like now, and I have nearly regrown my hair. i have tried many approaches, I was desperate and have spent thousands on all sorts of things, but the above to me is the key. Just make sure you eat as alkaline as possible with the cleansing. Once you see things come out, that you have never seen before in your life, it may go some way to seeing what I mean.

Good luck! It's hard work but worth it!


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