Hmm. First, honey does not have zero calories. It is a Sugar and is exactly what you don't want to add to your body while fasting it will end it instantly.
Second, you are either dieting or fasting. If you are fasting you just have to drink your water according to thirst and avoid putting anything on your skin that would interfere with the detox, not use toothpaste etc. Just stay out of your bodies way while it does what it needs to do to restore full health. This will include weight loss in very good time but will include many other benefits. If you are dieting you can add things like weight loss teas but you are NOT fasting in this case, you are entering a starvation diet and I have no knowledge of that other than that unlike fasting it is a very dangerous thing to do.
So I suggest no tea and water only for fasting. :)
There is a free online book that is well worth the read here: